Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day 5 of Jenny

Well, my friends, so far, so good! I am now well into my fifth day of Jenny Craig, and it isn't hard at all. The food has been really delicious, and I am actually having trouble eating everything that the program needs me to eat. There are so many fruits and vegetables that I am supposed to eat throughout the day, and they are just too filling. What a nice problem to have!

I will be going in to meet with my "counselor" one-on-one on Tuesday, so I will definitely report back on how the first week went, weight-wise. I have been very careful NOT to weigh myself at all this week. I didn't want it to influence my mood (either depressing me or making me too confident). I just wanted to feel good, knowing that I have been starting a new chapter, and that I am taking good care of myself.

In all honesty, I am really scared that I will get there on Tuesday morning, and I won't have lost a single pound. Since that's pretty much been the story for the past few years, I am scared that nothing I do will ever help me to actually lose weight. I have been discouraged and disheartened so many times.... will it actually work this time? Are my body and soul finally ready to make another big change?

Two days to go until the first weigh-in........


Jennifer said...

I think if you weren't ready, you'd be doing those nutty things we all do, like twice-daily weigh-ins and obsessing over missed favorites.

Your approach is level headed and rational.

I think you're ready, Marci.

SMLP said...

You're doing such a great job so far, and I continue to wish you all of the best :-)

Marci said...

Thanks, gals, I really appreciate your support! It means a lot to me :)

Unknown said...

Woohoo! You're off to a great start. Have you had a chance to check out the JC forums? It's another great place to get support.

Unknown said...

Hang in there . It's so empowering Sandy