Well, dear readers, wish me luck.
I have decided to join Jenny Craig.
I am nervous, excited,
enthusiastic, cynical, optimistic, and scared. Yep, that just about sums it all up.
As you know, the past few years have been so incredibly difficult for me, physically and emotionally. The back injury kept me imprisoned in pain, and thus totally sedentary. Emotionally, I felt so helpless, I am sure that it didn't help. I gained so much weight, I can't believe it. Yet, I couldn't give myself a hard time about it, because I had no psychological energy to devote to it. Plus, the few times I tried Weight Watchers over the years of pain, I failed miserably, which only made me more depressed about the whole thing.
BUT, now that I am feeling so much better, and so much stronger, I have decided that it is finally time to work on this area. I am finally ready. I can do it for myself, and ONLY myself, and I can feel good about it. I feel like it just might work this time! Plus, I have a good friend who is doing Jenny Craig as well, and we are gonna be cheerleaders for each other.
So, I am well into Day 2 - we'll see how it goes! I will keep you up to date on this new journey in my life :)
Yay, Marci B!!! Good for you!!!
Small world--Justin started Jenny on Monday, too! My mother used Jenny Craig to lose 20 lbs for my wedding, and instead she lost 30 (in 3 months), so it *can* work. Good luck!!
I have a lot of friends who found much success on Jenny. I am so happy for you, that you are inspired to take on this new challenge. As a person who has tried almost every diet imaginable (except for Jenny) I am interested to see how you like it. Make sure to post updates on your reactions to the program and how the food tastes. I'm very curious... :-)
Mazel Tov on the very powerful decision you made. Just making the decision to start was probably difficult in itself. Just getting through the first day was also probably quite a challenge. Even the second day was maybe hard (though perhaps a little easier than the first). Now the third day is still difficult but just a tiny, tiny, tiny bit easier (cause you've already done it twice before!).
Take it one meal/snack/day at a time. Each small positive decision adds up to a huuuge positive thing over time. It all counts! You're amazing!!!
good for you. best of luck.
Mazel Tov, Marci! I am so proud of you. I wish you all the best and I know you can do it. Like your sister said, take it one meal at a time and one day at a time.
I'm always looking for yoga buddies, too, so if you'd like to come to class with me, definitely let me know!
And here's a tip: Avoid the Jenny Craig on 6th Avenue (near 14th street). It's right next to a McDonald's! Hello? Who the hell thought that was a good idea???
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