Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thank goodness it's cloudy today....

Oh my goodness, I have a pretty bad migraine today. It started two nights ago, and it hasn't gone away yet. This is frustrating for me, because they have been so much better over the past year or so. I haven't had one of these "long-term" migraines in a long while.

I went through a period in college where I was battling migraines ALL the time, and I was even on daily, preventative medication at the time. When I went to Israel in 1999-2000 for the first year of rabbinical school, they got much better (a holy land miracle? lol), and never really returned to that level of severity.

The silver lining to today's migraine? Imitrex is now available in GENERIC!! When did that happen? They used to cost $20 a pill (which was awful when I needed them every single day and the insurance company severely limited what they would cover).

So, there's always a bright side - hooray for generic imitrex!!!

Okay, back to my darkened office....


Lindsay Bellows said...

better today?

MJP said...

I'm going through my first cluster of migraines in several years, so I totally feel your pain. (Get it?? Feel your pain? Ehh, maybe it's the migraine typing...)