Friday, February 1, 2008

NKOTB Reunion Tour?!?!?!

Could it be true? Are they really getting back together?
Oh, 12 year old Marci, calm yourself!!!!


The Egel Nest said...

You and my sister...omg...

she funded their career with all the merchandise she had from NKOTB...


The Egel Nest

BipolarLawyerCook said...

I almost plotzed when I heard that. And then I was all, OMG, is Jonathan going to be in on it?

Phyllis Sommer said...

i'm too excited...and now i'm grown up enough to buy my own tickets:-)

Sue said...

Brad is not even kidding. I was a total nutcase over NKOTB. My friend went to Boston and stole a handfull of Donnie's grass from his front lawn for me... seriously... and I proudly displayed it on my wall for several years even though it was rotted and disgusting. I'm so thrilled they are back together!! :o)