Monday, October 26, 2009

To NaBloPoMo or not to NaBloPoMo....

That is the question!

I am involved in a big internal debate right now - should I participate, as I did last year, in National Blog Posting Month? Every November, participants can opt in to this special challenge, which encourages us all to blog every day for one month.

Since I have been so remiss as of late, I am thinking of participating, just as a way to get myself back on track.

So, if I do it, will you join me? Who's in????!?!?!?


Phyllis Sommer said...

I had exactly the same thought today when I got the Nablopomo do it or not...

If you do it, I'll do it.

Lindsay Bellows said...

only do it if you WANT to do it. You still have a day to think about it. :-)

i beati said...

i am doing it's your weight challenge going??