Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jenny Weigh-In #7

Well, it wasn't such a good weigh-in today. I am

+ 1.4

for a total loss of


It's still not too bad, right? I am trying not to get too upset about it. It was a difficult week, food-wise, for me. I had a hard time with PMS cravings, and I really wanted CHEESE, like, all the time. So, this upcoming week, I am going to go back to week one's meal plan, and try to re-focus. I am going to be out of town for the weekend (at an Adult Jewish Learning conference), and I made sure to get meals that travel well. Hopefully, being away won't mean being off-plan.

Here's to a better week ahead.....


Jennifer said...

What is it with PMS cravings? For some gals, it's chocolate and for the rest of us it's cheese! Swiss, to be precise, and, yes, I have been known to devour an entire package in ONE day.

Here's to better, less hormonal weeks ahead.

And a total of -12.4 is still significant progress!

i beati said...

I am so impressed becasue weight always levels off - keep it up make it a lifestyle go girlSandy

Fighting Mama said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am so happy there is someone else doing Jenny and I can follow along!

You are stronger than I am, I decided to take a break over the holidays because Jenny was ticking me off (and I miss cooking for my family). Way to go on the weight loss - Jenny really does work. I am down 20-ish so far with 42 more to go. Woohoo - us gals are gonna be rockin' hot when this is over. :)