Thursday, January 31, 2008

Down and Out...

Hi, everyone. I haven't posted in about a week because the past few days have been rough. All in all, my recovery from my spinal surgery has been going well, but I overdid it late last week, and have needed a lot of sleep and rest subsequently. It's been hard, and I am trying very hard not to get discouraged. The picture above is my bed - isn't it comfy looking? Of course, Precious has been open to lots of good cuddling, so her TLC is quite healing.

But, the pain can be so debilitating. All of my pre-surgery pain is gone, but this post-surgery pain gets bad at times. Not only am I experiencing pain from the spinal fusion itself, but also from the bone grafts they took from both sides of my pelvic bone. All in all, my entire pelvis is aching constantly.

Ugh, I hate to complain, but I had to let it out.

I have an x-ray and 6-week follow-up appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, I will get lots of good news on my healing and recovery. I hope to hear that the bones are all fusing properly, and that I am on the right track.

Hope all is well with you!


Phyllis Sommer said...

i am sorry to hear that you've been in so much pain but i'm glad to hear that you're on the healing path....much love and refuah shleimah your way:-)

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Sorry to hear you're having a slow time getting back up to speed. I know bone pain can be more painful and slower to resolve, but it looks like you have a good friend to keep you in person company-- and you always have friends here to keep you virtual company!

i beati said...

Please let us know - nothing worthwhile is ever easy . and we are always where we are supposed to be in life, but the continuum must be excruxiatingI pray foryou ..

MJP said...

I love that photo! Precious looks like she's being featured on an episode of MTV Cribs. :-)

I hope your follow up went well!

The Egel Nest said...

Your pain is our speaking...

We are all praying for your full and swift recovery...

Much love from the Egel Nest to you!

The Egel Nest